About Us
Nevada REALTORS® is committed to the success of its members. Its Strategic Plan guides the Board of Directors and the Committees to achieve its goals and lead our members into a successful future.
Mission Statement
A classic mission statement answers two questions: Who do you serve? and What products/services do you deliver to that constituency? A successful mission statement defines the organization. It serves as a touchstone which can be used to distinguish relevant from irrelevant activities. After substantial discussion the following mission statement was developed for Nevada REALTORS®.
To enhance the success of our members while protecting private property rights and advocating for our members’ interests.
Vision Statement
A mission statement defines an organization, describing in global terms who it serves and the totality of what it does. A vision statement has a different focus. It is an attempt to define the highest priority objective for the organization over the next three to five years. A consideration of member needs led the planning group to recommend the following as a vision statement for Nevada REALTORS®.
The champion for Nevada REALTORS®
Tiffany Banks
Jason Burr
Stefania Volk
Development & Events Director
Amanda Powell
Communications & Marketing Director
Mel Perez
Accounts Payable, Office Manager, Executive Assistant to the CEO
Gina Session
Legal Information Line Counsel
Rozina Horta
Member Relations Specialist
Jamie Rodriguez
Government Affairs Director
Wyatt Herbst
General Counsel