Join Us For

REALTORS® Legislative Meetings

May 31 – June 5 | Washington, DC

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Advancing Issues Important to the Real Estate Profession

The REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in Washington, D.C., bring together thousands of members to conduct the business of NAR and unite for a common cause—advancing the real estate profession through powerful, impactful policy advocacy.

Join REALTORS®, lawmakers and industry leaders in discussing and advocating for these real estate issues that matter in every community.

• Housing Affordability

• Updating America’s Tax Law

• Equal Access and Representation

Who Attends

NAR members who are involved in the governance of the association and who volunteer on association committees attend this event each year.

  • Federal Political Coordinators (FPCs) and other politically active members who communicate with congressional representatives on Capitol Hill.
  • All other members are invited to attend the open meetings, sessions, and forums as well as the Expo.

The event is free for members with a valid NAR Member ID.

Join the Discussion, Reserve Your Spot Today

Washington, DC • May 31-June 5, 2025 Walter E. Washington Convention Center