Association Insurance

Nevada REALTORSⓇ serves as leader on front to promote association health care plans

In early 2019, Nevada REALTORSⓇ took the lead nationwide by offering an association health care plan to its members during a spring enrollment period, one of only 8 states to offer REALTOR agents such a plan. Members saved anywhere from 18 to 26 percent on healthcare premiums depending on their plan needs.

Unfortunately, just months later (March 2019), a federal district court struck down the US Department of Labor rule which allowed our REALTORⓇ plan and many other Association Health Plans.  We have exhausted every option to continue the plan for as long as possible but our contract expired on December 31, 2019 and our provider can no longer take the legal risk. As a result, Hometown Health is no longer able to offer Association Health Plans to Sole Proprietors.

Please know that Nevada REALTORSⓇ and Hometown Health went to extreme measures to keep this new and beneficial health plan active, and we will continue to fight for this opportunity for our members going forward.

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NVR Health Plan Members

Please be patient while this issue works through the court system.